
Timothy Charles Parker (born 19 June 1955)[1] is a British executive. As of 2020 he was the chairman of the National TrustPost Office Ltd, and Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS). He was replaced in February 2022 as chairman of the National Trust by René Olivieri and will leave the Post Office Ltd in Autumn 2022.

From 1986 to 2014, he was successively the CEO of , Kenwood, and led each company in a turnaround.

 After graduating from Oxford, Parker worked as a junior economist] in Hm Treasury from 1977 to 1979. In 1981, after obtaining his business degree, he joined Thorm EmiI as assistant to Sir William Barlow] chairman of the engineering group.

At the age of 26, he was appointed CEO of Blakeslee, a small engineering subsidiary of Thorn EMI in Chicago.] After two years he had the business sold off as lacking in scalabilityReturning to the UK, he headed Crypto Peerless, a Birmingham company manufacturing foodservice equipment, which in a little over two years he took from break-even to £800,000 in profits.



Cluedo Devised in 1943 by British board game designer Anthony E. Pratt.



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